Open Call for Submissions

Loyal FBF readers will know that every year I put together a "What I Want For Christmas" (WIWFC) series of blog posts. The posts examine the current state of DC United and make a list of off-season additions that I feel would make the club better. This year, I've already done a lot of the "roster analysis" heavy lifting with the United Autopsy posts, so while I have my list, I don't necessarily have as much substance to flesh out an entire series.

And that's where you come in...

Make a list of the top five things you'd add to, subtract from, or change about United. While my list normally consists of generic player positions or qualities, there are no real restrictions. Be as general or specific, pragmatic or fantastic, detailed or broad as you like, and feel free to do as much (or as little) analysis/explanation as you'd like surrounding your choices. Then email your submissions to:

fullbackfiles [at] gmail [dot] com

Don't forget to provide a name or handle that I can attribute your list to and a link to your blog/twitter/cause/whatever if you so desire. Alternatively, those of you who want to post to your own blogs can just send me a link to your post so I can include it. The deadline for submissions is Monday, though I'd love to have them as soon as possible so I can start putting the series together.

Let's get the digital ink flowing, folks!

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